No more
the boring old fart stay at home Richos, the Rovin_Richos are off
again - well, sort of. We bought a written off caravan for half
it's market value, had it mostly re-skinned to get rid of the hail
damage that caused it to be written off by the insurance company,
added a new washing machine, white glass door to the ensuite and
converted the dining table to a tri-fold so we can fold it to the
size of a coffee table or unfold it to eat at. The total cost was
about the same as we would have paid for the van had it not been
damaged but for the same cost we have the washing machine, door,
table and a brand new and updated exterior that makes the whole thing
look brand new. The other exciting thing was that internally, it is
almost identical to a design Rob had drawn up six years ago when we
were contemplating updating our then caravan home.
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